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do eels have bones? | Eelpro Co.,Ltd

Eels have fish bones.  Although they have a strange, snake-like appearance and no scales, they are still fish and have fish bones inside.  Fish bone is an important structure in their body, can play a very important support role.  Without fish bones, they can't live normally.  

But eels don't have many fish bones.  They have a main spiny, which is the main bone in their body, which is the main support.  There are also some small fish bone, but not many.

fish bone

Do eels have bones?

Eels are a kind of fresh water fish, but they look very different from other fish. They look more like snakes and they don't have scales.  Eels are also edible fish.  Most fish have spines, which play a very important role in the body of fish, such as supporting the body and so on.  

Eels also have fish bones, or spines, inside their bodies.  The fish's bones also play an important role in the eel's body, allowing it to carry out various life activities

Do eels have many fish bones?

As mentioned above, most fish are spiny, and eels also have spines inside them. But not all fish have the same spines. The main spines are common to most fish, but the number of smaller spines varies from fish to fish. Some species of fish have a lot of spines, and some fish have basically a single main spiny, very few spines. 

Eels are fish with very few spines. The main spiny in their body is the main spiny, or spine. The main thorn is very large, running through the body, and there are fewer smaller thorns around it.

Eels are edible. There are more fish that can be eaten, among which the species with fewer spines are more popular. Eels are popular because they have fewer spines, and captivity is common. It contains rich nutrition, high nutritional value, suitable for children and the elderly to eat.

Nutritional value of eel bone

Eel vertebrae - The most ideal natural biological calcium Source The super strength of the eel "migration" comes from its highly developed spine bone.

The nutritional value of an eel from head to tail is the highest among fishes, and the backbone of eel is the main gathering place of nutrients, which is rich in calcium, phosphorus, more than ten kinds of amino acids and a large number of vitamins, etc., and has incomparable advantages of general calcium sources: -- natural and pure. 

Eel can be called "the purest fish on earth", its survival of water quality is extremely high, as long as there is a little pollution in the water, can not tolerate. The researchers found that there were few impurities in the eel's vertebrae and that modern biotechnology could have extracted high levels of calcium.

eel bones

-- High bioavailability of calcium. Nutrition authorities claim that "calcium absorption requires a proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus". 

The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the vertebrae of eel is close to 2:1, which is naturally consistent with breast milk and is internationally recognized as the best ratio of calcium absorption, safe and easy to absorb.

 Calcium suitable for children, middle-aged and elderly, pregnant women and other different groups to eat; Eel calcium on the market is mainly made from eel vertebrae with other auxiliary materials.

How to bone eels?

eel cleaning

1 Nail the eel head, cut it from the neck to the vertebrae, then cut it horizontally along the vertebrae to the tail, and slice the lower half of the fish;

2 At the same neck, only cut the fish bone, cut the knife horizontally along the spine to the tail, and extract the fish bone.