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Nine facts about eel you should know

Q: Are eels male and female?

A: Eels are acquired sex. They don't become male or female until they become sexually mature. If eels do not return to the sea where they were born, they are not sexually mature enough to lay eggs and grow to be very large. 

In 2008, there was a news report that an Australian eel, 175 centimeters long and 15 kilograms, was caught in Sun Moon Lake. So the eels we eat are "pure yellow eels" (also known in the market as white eels) that are not yet sexually mature, and then they are called silver eels.

Q: Do eels taste better when they are bigger and more expensive?

freshwater eel-3

A: In our industry, eels are classified by size and weight. Three eels of one kilogram are called 3P, four eels of one kilogram are called 4P, and so on. But it's up to individual tastes.

 In the case of grilled eels, the Japanese traditionally prefer to eat "4P" and "5P" sizes of fresh eels because they are tender and melt in the mouth. If you like the Q bit and have a springy chew, you prefer older eels that are large and have been farmed for years.

Q: Is eel a Japanese specialty?

A: Although Japan is very fond of eel, especially grilled eel, in terms of industry, Eel farming and processing in China accounts for 75 to 83 percent of the international market. 

More than 95 percent of grilled eel products in Japan come from China. The export volume of Fujian accounts for more than 50% of the national total, and the aquaculture output of Fujian accounts for 74.6% of the national total (2016). It can be said that Fujian is the hometown of Eel in China.

Q:How many kinds of eels are there in the world?

species of eels

A: Eels are the survivors of ancient fish. There are 19 species in the world. Among them, three species are found in the Atlantic Ocean, namely European eel(Anguilla Anguilla) 、Japanese eel(Anguilla japonica )and American eel( Anguilla Rostrata). 

The other 17 species are found from India to the Pacific Ocean. The Fat content of Japanese eel is the highest, reaching 25% to 30%.

Q: How do you decide if you eat wild eel or farmed eel in a restaurant?


uangi rice

A: You don't have to worry about that. Both European and Japanese eels are listed as endangered species, so almost everything you buy and eat in the market is farmed. 

Even in Eel-mad Japan, more than 95% of the market is farmed and less than 5% of Japanese eels are found in the wild.

Q: Where do eel larvae come from? Can they be artificial reproduced?

baby eel

A: Eels cannot be artificial reproduced. They are almost the only species of farmed fish that rely entirely on fishing for wild fry. 

Until now, the only breeding source for farmed eels has been young eels caught in the wild. Although artificial eel larvae were successfully incubated in Japan, they are not commercially viable at the present stage because they die naturally when they reach 20 cm due to DNA defects. 

But even if it is farmed, the environment of the farm, the feed, etc., will make a big difference in eating eel.

Q: Why is eel the safest food in the world

A: Because eels have very high requirements on water quality, they can't grow if there is any pollution, so they are also called "the cleanest fish in the world". 

Moreover, because our eel products are exported in large quantities, the major consumer market countries have set up technical barriers to protect their domestic industry, and have checked and restricted our eels according to the strictest standards in the world. 

In addition, Japanese eel and European eel have been listed as endangered management successively, and the import and export of eels requires traceability management throughout the whole process. 

Therefore, our eels have become the first export agricultural products that can withstand any inspection and testing in the world, and are also known as "the safest food in the world" in the international market.

Q:Eels are so tasty, what's so special about their meat?

unagi kabayaki

A: The reason why eels are so tender and delicious is that they have A very high collagen content. And because of their lifestyle, eel fat is distributed between muscle fibers, just like frosted's descent beef, where the fat mixes with the muscle. 

The tenderest part of many fish is the fat that accumulates in their bellies, whereas eels have fat spread all over their bodies.

Moreover, when the eels are sexually mature and have to migrate to spawn, they stop feeding and their digestive organs deteriorate, and their fat content can reach 60 percent of their body weight.

Q: Is the eel festival in Japan in summer because the eel is the best in summer?

A: Although the summer eel festival is often associated with grilled eel in Japan, the eel itself is at its richest in autumn and winter before its migration, when it tastes rich and mellow. In the middle of summer, the eel is actually lean. 

The custom began as a marketing ploy to increase eel sales during the off-season. The eel rice shop is also hot business. The result was the Eel Festival, which accounts for 30 to 40 percent of Japan's annual sales.